Monday, April 30, 2012

JESUS LETTERS I Am Never Going To Forsake You, Access To My Omniscience, Praying, Seeking Me, Paths Of Righteousness, Apt Not To Pray, Listen, Written Word, More Sure Word Of Prophecy, Change, Absolute Truth, Unbelievers, Unstable, Bits And Pieces, Proven, Prove, Brag About, Power, Help, Paths Of Destruction, Repent, Pride, Rebellion, Advice, Demons, Creator, Running, If You Run Away, Set Your Affections, Heavenly Things, Eternal Life, Loving, My Father, Holy Spirit, Bless, Beyond, Wildest Imaginations, Ways, Joy, Meditating, Instruments Of Righteousness, Pleasure

"Sunset Memories" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I go before you and that I bring up your rears.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day and that I am never going to forsake you. 

Photo of Original Letter
You have access to My omniscience by praying and seeking Me.  If you do not obey My leading you down paths of righteousness, by studying My written word, then you are apt not to pray and listen for My still small voice also.  My written word is a more sure word of prophecy for you to put your trust in, My children, because My written word does not change and if you forget it, it will be the same when you come back and read it again. 

I do not change My mind either, My children.  I speak what is the absolute truth, so why should I ever change My mind?  The unbelievers go about changing their minds all the time.  Their thinking is unstable because their lives do not revolve around absolute truth, but only bits and pieces of truth that they have picked up from various sources throughout their lives that have never proven anything that they talk about. 
Exalt the Lord with me

I have proven My words to you, My people, over and over again, with signs and wonders and ways that have boggled the minds of saints and unbelievers, but I did not prove these things so that I could brag about My power or to cause you to be afraid of that power.  I proved them to you because I love you and I am trying to get you to understand that I can help you through life and I am willing to help anyone that comes to Me and asks for My help, so that they can rise above their circumstances and start learning that I have created each and every person on the face of the earth to glorify My name, so that others will readily come to their senses and realize that they are on paths of destruction unless they repent of their pride and rebellion to My advice. 

I advise you, so that you will be delivered from the demons that have caused you to run away from your Creator, instead of running to Me.  If you run away, then you have set your affections on the things of this earthly life only, but I have taught you to focus on heavenly things; things that are eternal.   Eternal life is what I'm talking about, My children; living forever in a kingdom created for you to live forever in, loving every creature that I have created and everyone that has won the victory by inviting Me into their hearts so that I could make them One with Me and My Father and the Holy Spirit. 

"Sunset Memories" detail
Do not forget that you are My children and I will be able to bless you beyond your wildest imaginations.  Stop thinking your ways through life and start believing your ways through life.  Walk by faith and not by sight and you will enter into a life that you are content with and joy will overtake you, because you will no longer be worried about all the things that have gone wrong, but you will be meditating on all the things that have gone right. 

I am your righteousness.  I make all things new.  I make all things right; and you will rejoice in heaven that you gave your lives to Me while you were on earth so that I could turn you into instruments of righteousness for My name's sake, for My glory and for your pleasure.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Sunday, April 29, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Assignments, I Send, Why Do You Call Me Lord, My Will, Your Will, Savior, King, Master Of masters, Afraid, Freedoms, Enslavement, Lies, Free Indeed, Love The Truth, Do Not Run From It But To It, Full Counsel, Bible, Infallible, Give Me Glory, Logical Explanation, Rolling Around, Excuse, Stubbornness, Heaven, Face To Face, Eternity Staring, Stop, Consider The Questions, Checkup From The Neck Up, Trying To Mock Me, Steal My Words, Servants, Following Through

"Say A Prayer" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I will give you assignments to do for Me.  I will send you where I want to go, so that I can speak My words to the people I send you to, through My Spirit in you.  If you will listen and obey the instructions that I give you, We will accomplish great and mighty things in the earth.  If you do not obey My instructions, then why do you call Me Lord? 

Photo of Original Letter
There is nothing that I will speak to your hearts that is not My will.  If you want to do My will, all you have to do is listen and obey.  If you want to do your will, then just don't listen and don't obey My instructions and keep living your lives as if you never invited Me into your hearts to be your Lord and Savior.  Many of My children do just that; they have made Me their Savior, but they have not made Me their Lord.  Lord means Master.  Do you realize that if you do not want Me to be your Master, then you have not really believed Who I am, My children? 

Does not My written word say that I am the King of kings and Lord of lords?  Master of masters is My reputation.  Is there something that is holding you back, My children, from wanting Me to be your Master?  Are you afraid of losing something if you become My slave?  Are you afraid that I will harm you, My children?  Are you afraid that I will take away your freedoms? 

I have not come to take your freedoms away, My children.  I have come to give you freedom from the enslavement that you are under because you have believed lies instead of the truth.  He who accepts Me for Who I really am is free indeed.  The Truth will make you free.  If you are afraid of the truth, then you are not of Me.  My people love the truth.  They do not run from it, but to it. 

"Say A Prayer" detail by Greer
I have reiterated the truth to you again, today, in this writing that you are reading or listening to.  Are you going to accept it since it agrees with the full counsel of My written words of the Bible, which you know are infallible, or are you going to reject the truth again and go off to do your own wills instead of seeking My face in prayer to find out what your Master is instructing you to do for your own good and My glory?  Is there some reason that you have for not being willing to give Me glory by doing things that I suggest that you do while in the earth, My children?  Is there some logical explanation that you have rolling around in your head that causes you to reject what I have been asking you to do, ever since you started reading the Bible?  Is there an excuse for your stubbornness, My children?  When you arrive in heaven and are standing face to face with Me, what reason will you explain why you did not obey My instructions with?  Will you not be afraid to think the way you have been thinking while on this earth when you are no longer on this earth and have Eternity staring you in the face? 

Stop what you are doing and consider the questions that I have just asked you, My children.  Give yourselves a checkup from the neck up.  See if you are actually walking by faith or if you are actually just trying to mock Me.  I did not die on the cross for you so that you could steal My words and use them to try to trick Me into believing that you are My servants.  It is plain for Me to see who are My servants and who are not. 

I have loved you, My children.  There is no question about whether I love you or not.  There is only a question as to whether you love Me or not.  Why don't you take the time to answer the question for yourselves afresh, right now, and if your answer is 'Yes, Lord.  I love You.' then start acting accordingly.  Start listening for My still small voice in prayer and following through with My instructions like you have never obeyed them before.  It is enough.

"Say A Prayer" detail
Jesus, your Lord, your Master, your Friend and your God"
Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Need To Know, Wise Counsel, Omniscient, Future, Not Playing Games, Eternal Life Is Real, Fairy Tale, Purposes, Plans, Pursuits, Cooked Up, Coerced, Enemies, Pulled, Shoved, Intentions For Your Existences, Lack Of Knowledge, Ignorance, Fleshly Thinking, Darkness, Mountain, 40 years, Help, Learning More, Wisdom, Spirit Led Lives, Holy Scriptures, Bible, Hearken, Protect, Onslaughts, Deceptions, Demons, Authority To Cast, Head In The Sand, Demonstrate, Resurrection Power, Disciples, Resistance Annihilated, Clean Conduit, Electricity Flows, Copper, Impurities, Devil, Blood Sacrifice, Cross, Cleansed, Spirits, Unrighteousness, Mind Of Christ, Reasonings Have No Foreknowledge, Heavenly Bliss

"Stubborn" detail by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day, My children.  Believe that I will show you what you need to know about your lives on earth and your relationships with Me also.  Do not discard what I have taught you through the scriptures in the Bible.  Do not slough off My words to you that I speak to your hearts today and ever since you invited Me into your hearts, My children. 
Photo of Original Letter

My words are Spirit and they are life to all that act on them.  I give wise counsel.  I am omniscient and because I am omniscient, all knowing, it is easy for Me to speak things about the future to you to help you understand that we are not playing games, My children.  Life is not a game.  Eternal life is real.  It is not a good story that someone made up and millions of people follow as if it's a great fairy tale to pass down through the generations. 

Listen to the truth, My children.  Listen and learn what I have taught you in the scriptures.  Do not slough them off again, but believe them with everything that is in you.  You will gain knowledge of what My purposes and plans and pursuits are, and then you can decide if you would like to be a part of those plans.  If you will agree that My plans are more important than the plans that you have cooked up for yourselves then I will work in you to complete the good work that I have begun in you when you invited Me to come into your hearts and change you into the persons that I created you to be. 

"Stubborn" by Greer
You have been coerced, My children.  The enemies of your souls have pulled and shoved you away from My intentions for your existences all of your lives, and because of your lack of knowledge of My ways and My will, you have followed after the dictates of your own hearts and have reasoned your way through life, and because of your ignorance, for the most part, you have lived according to your carnal, fleshly, thinking capabilities, not knowing that I never intended for you to walk this Earth you are on in the darkness that surrounds you.  Your minds are in the dark, My children, to the extent that you do not know what you were created to do on this earth.  If you continue trying to figure out what to do with your lives, then you will continue to go around the mountain as the children of Israel went around the mountain for forty years because they would not obey the instructions that I gave them to love Me with all of their hearts, minds, souls and strengths. 

When My children repent of thinking that they are capable of taking care of themselves, then I am able to offer My help and teach them more and more of My ways, and the more they learn of Me, the more interest they have in learning more of Me, and the result is that I am able to help them by giving them power and wisdom to live the Spirit led lives that I always intended for them to walk on this planet.  If you will only recognize that these things that I am writing in this letter are in agreement with My holy scriptures in the Bible, then you will have the opportunity, once again, to do what I have been trying to get you to do all of your lives . . . hearken to the voice of the Lord, your God, so that I will be able to protect you from all the onslaughts and deceptions of the demons that surround you in the spirit realm.  You are not going to understand your authority to cast those demons out and away from you if you continue to stick your head in the sand and pretend that they don't exist. 

"Stubborn" detail by Greer
The Bible is not a collection of fairy tales, My children.  I cast demons out of people; number one, because they exist; number two, because I love you; number three, because I wanted to demonstrate the power that those who believe the truth of God's word have over creation.  Do you want to operate in the resurrection power that was displayed to and through Me and My disciples, My children?  Well, if you do, then believe that you will only be able to walk in power and authority by renewing your minds with My words so that all the resistance that has built up in your minds can be annihilated; then you will be a clean conduit and My power will flow through you, just as electricity flows better through pure copper than it does through copper with lots of impurities in it.  Realize that lies that you have believed as truth hold you back, just as impurities in electrical lines hold back the power to do work at the end of those lines. 

Believe that every word that has ever proceeded out of My mouth is pure and powerful and you will know Who to turn to.  I will forgive you of all that the devil has caused you to believe.  I will cleanse you thoroughly.  My blood sacrificed on the cross, has already cleansed your spirits of all unrighteousness when you invited Me into your hearts to change you.  Now you must start agreeing with your minds and souls and bodies to do what your pure holy Spirit within you knows to do. 

I will reveal Myself to your minds through My Spirit in you.  You have the mind of Christ as you seek My wisdom and forsake your own reasonings.  Your reasonings have no foreknowledge.  Accept what I speak to you as the truth and you will have access to the knowledge of the future.  The devil is the only one that will give you inaccurate knowledge of the future, because he knows what he plans to do with your lives if you rely on your own understanding and not on My words to you. 

Believe Me, My children.  Forsake all other forms of carnal wisdom.  It will not bring you to heavenly bliss; but I will.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Friday, April 27, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Turn Your Lives Around For Your Good And For My Glory, Excel In Life, Instead Of Being Defeated, Be Elevated, Positions, You Will Be Happy, Accomplishing My Will, Trudging Through Life, Eternal Rewards, Making Disciples, Commit To Not Wasting Your Future, Major Ways

"Keep Going" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I will give you the information that you need to turn your lives around for your good and for My glory. 

"Keep Going" detail
I will give you the supernatural wisdom that will cause you to excel in life. Instead of being defeated by the circumstances that invade your surroundings, you will be elevated into positions where you will be happy, knowing that you are accomplishing My will in the earth and not just trudging through life, having no real purpose and knowing that there are no eternal rewards being won because you have not obeyed My instructions to go into all the earth, making disciples of all nations. 

Do not worry about all the time that has been wasted in the past, but commit to not wasting your future.  I will turn things around if you start listening and obeying My leadings.  My still small voice is not the only way I lead My children, but unless you recognize that it is one of the major ways, then you will miss out on so much that I want to communicate to you as you are praying and seeking My directions for your lives.  It is enough.

Photo of Original Lettedr
Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Great And Mighty Things, Assignments, Fearful, Blowing Hot Air, Impossible For Me To Lie, Not One Liar In All Of Heaven, Neither Exaggerator Nor Distorter, What The Truth Actually Is, Erase, Doubts, Unbelief, People Who Lie, Devil, Father Of Lies, Lying, Bite Your Tongue Off, Practice, Scriptures, Bible, Inspired, Grace, Benefits, Aquaintances, Body Of Christ, Family That I Have Spawned, Raising It Up, Purposes, Plans, Pursuits, Connected, Share The Gifts, Edification, Church, Spiritual Gifts, Supernatural Manifestations, Live, Move, Have Your Being In Me, Hallow My Name, Churches, Unity, Oneness, My Will, Stagnation, Reigns, Your Wagon, Hear, Local, Harmony, Holy Temple, Worship, Establish My Kingdom, Assembling, Help, Hypocrites, Judgmental, Faults, Studying, Meditating, Staying In My Presence, Empowered, Love, Patience, Mercy, Fighting Similar Demons

"Faith Hope Love" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  Believe that I will show you the great and mighty things that you do not know, and I will give you all that you need to complete the assignments that I send you on.  I will be with you on those assignments, so there is no reason to be fearful. 

Photo of Original Letter
I am always with you.  I never leave nor forsake you.  Do you understand My words to you, My children?  Do you understand that I am not just blowing hot air?  Do you believe that it is impossible for Me to lie because I am the Spirit of love and truth?  Do you realize that there is not one liar in all of heaven, neither one exaggerator nor one distorter?  If you will grasp the truth of what the truth actually is, it will erase most of your doubts and unbelief.

People who lie think that everybody lies, but I do not lie and no lie is of Me.  The devil is the father of lies and if you practice lying, then you are doing his will.  Do not lie, My children.  Bite your tongue off rather than lie.  You will not enter into My kingdom and receive all the blessings that are stored up for you in heaven, if you practice lying.  Discard all thoughts to the contrary of what I have just reiterated to you.  The Bible teaches the same words. 

"Faith Hope Love" detail
Believe all the scriptures of the Bible.  They were inspired to be written, just as this letter has been inspired to be written from My throne of grace.  Receive My grace.  My grace is given for your benefits, My children.  Benefit by adhering to every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, whether spoken thousands of years ago or now.  Benefit from believing every word that was spoken through believers, whether you knew them personally or whether that believer is in your circle of acquaintances or not.  Believe that the body of Christ is a family that I have spawned and I am raising it up to do My will in the earth through, as it gets together and becomes one with My purposes, plans and pursuits.  If you are not connected to My body of believers, then you will not be able to learn from one another and share the gifts that I have given all of you for the edification of the church. 

Do you understand that I have not given each and every one of you all Spiritual gifts, My children?  Do you understand that you are not complete without performing My words to you?  Do you understand that the help that you receive from others in the body of Christ is essential for you to receive all of the supernatural manifestations of My grace to you and to everyone else?  I live and move and have My being in you all, just as you all live and move and have your being in Me.  If you want to move in Me, then release your faith that I am not only in you, but that I am also in every other believer, whether they just received Me into their hearts or whether they have known Me for years and years.

Exalt the Name of Jesus with me
Hallow My name in the earth, My children.  Lift up My name and I will exalt the word of God throughout the earth through the churches that I have placed you in as you come together in unity . . . oneness to do My will and not your own wills.  My will will produce results.  Your own wills will cause stagnation in your lives and you will lose interest in doing the things that you have been doing, over and over again, because I am not inspiring you to do those things but you have taken the reigns out of My hands and have driven your wagon down roads that I never wanted you to be on. 

Hear what I am saying to you individually, My children.  Hear what the Spirit of the living God is speaking to your hearts, each moment that you are listening.  I will direct your footsteps and the footsteps of everyone in the local churches that you attend and there will be harmony in your churches when you believe that the gifts that I have given to My body are necessary to be used on a frequent and regular basis so that my people will be edified . . . built up into a holy temple of worship created by Me to establish My kingdom on earth as it is established in the heavenlies. 

"Faith Hope Love" signature
Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together.  Do not draw away from those that I have ordained you to help and to be helped by.  Do not worry that there are so many hypocrites.  Stop thinking that you are perfect, and you will no longer be so judgmental, because if you know that you have faults of your own, then you will be spending so much time getting rid of your bad habits by studying My written word and meditating on it and staying in My presence where you will learn how much I love you and how much I have forgiven you of, that you will be empowered to extend that same kind of love and patience and mercy to others that are fighting similar demons that have been attacking them, just as demons have been attacking you all of your lives.  It is enough.


Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Necessary Time, Minds Racing Over, Ideas And Agendas, Stacked Up, Puppets, Free Wills, Do You Want To Serve Me, I Am Fair, Sound Advice, Glory Of God, Tired Of Failing, Good, Acceptable, Perfect Advice, Rhema Word

"Mac Mac Mac" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I will show you what I want to do through you if you will give Me the necessary time it takes to speak to your hearts without your minds racing over all the ideas and agendas that you have stacked up for yourselves.  If you do not learn to get quiet and ask Me to tell you what I would like for you to be doing, then you will never find out, because I am not interested in teaching puppets. 

"Mac Mac Mac" detail
I did not create you to be puppets, My children.  I gave you all free wills to decide for yourselves what you want to do.  Do you want to serve Me, your God, or do you want to serve yourselves, or do you want to serve someone else?  The question is fair because I am fair.  I do not force anyone to do what I want them to do.  I give them sound advice and then I wait to see if they are willing to act on My advice.  If they heed My instruction, then things will work out for the glory of God, one way or the other, but if they turn from My advice and decide to do their own plans, then I wait for them to get tired of failing and when they return to Me, then I start giving them the same good and acceptable and perfect advice that I spoke to their hearts before, whether it was through My written word or rhema word.  It is enough.

Photo of Original Letter

Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

JESUS LETTERS I Will Give You Supernatural Information, You Do Not Have To Live Your Lives, Relying Only On Your Imaginations And Reasonings And Conjectures

"Drifting" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My voice.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day, My children.  Believe that I go before you and that I bring up your rears.  Believe that I will give you supernatural information, so that you do not have to live your lives relying only on your imaginations and reasonings and conjectures.  It is enough.

Photo of Original Letter
Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

JESUS LETTERS Avoid, Traps, Spirit man, Spirit Of Christ, Be One With Us, Eternal Life, The Father's Will, Grace, Favor, Stubborn, Prideful, Satan, Reasoning, Straight, Narrow Paths, Old, New Testament, Scriptures, Absolute Truth, Power To Affect Change, Diluted To Near Worthlessness, Comfort, Exhortation, Edification, Worshipping, Doers, Hearers Only, Submit Wholeheartedly, Advice, Empower, Strength, Fortitude, Struggles, Worth The Effort, War, Many Battles, Hosts Of Demons Arrayed, Walk By Faith, Fleshly Desires, Long Battles, Struggles, Par For The Course, Victory, My Blood, Cross, Penalty For Sin, Paid, Go, Endure, Do Not Give Up, Stay The Course, Rewards

"Foot of the Cross" detail by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  Believe that I want to love and protect you by directing your steps, so that you will be able to avoid all the traps that Satan and his demons set for you. 

Photo of Original Letter
If you will only learn to listen inside you for My advice, coming from your Spirit man, the Spirit of Christ in you, you will be on your way to living a Spirit led life as I lived when I walked the earth, 2000 years ago, in My Own flesh.  God was in Me and I was in the Father.  We are One and you can be One with Us, if you will only believe the Bible scriptures that explain why We are in you.  Believe that you have been changed inside you by Our Spirit. 

It is the Spirit that gives life.  Eternal life is what you received when you asked Me to come into your hearts, My children.  Live according to what the Bible teaches.  Live to do the Father's will, so that We can continually bless you and pour out Our grace and favor on you and all that you do. 

Do not be stubborn.  Do not be prideful.  Do not allow Satan to trick you into believing that you will be better off thinking and reasoning your way to success in this earth.  Your own ideas will not lead you down the straight and narrow paths that We have ordained that you travel down. 

"Foot of the Cross" detail
We want to empower you for the works that We intend to do through you in the earth, so that Our people can see that We are still the same God that We were in the Old Testament and in the scriptures of the New Testament.  Believe that the scriptures are the absolute truth, My children.  You will not enter into the fullness of the grace that We want to bestow upon you by doubting the scriptures.  Those that pick the scriptures apart have no power in their lives because they water down the truth with their reasonings and imaginations and it's power to affect change in people's lives is diluted to near worthlessness. 

Do not forsake the truths written for your comfort and exhortation and edification.  You will be built up into a place of worshipping your God if you stop doubting what you read, but start acting on what you read!  The results that you receive from being doers of the word, instead of hearers only, will eliminate all your doubts and questions and you will be willing to submit whole heartedly to the advice that We speak to your hearts and We will empower you with strength and fortitude, so that you will not give up when Satan attacks you from several different angles and causes you to wonder if the struggles that you are going through are worth the effort. 

"Foot of the Cross" framed
You are in a war, My children.  There will be many battles that you will fight in.  You will not win every single battle, because there are hosts of demons arrayed against those that truly walk by faith and not by their fleshly desires.  If you realize that Satan does not give up attacking those who believe Me with all of their hearts, then you will not be discouraged when the battles are long, but you will realize that the struggles are just par for the course. 

Victory is yours, My children.  I have won the victory for you by sacrificing My blood on the cross for you.  The penalty for sin has been paid by Me.  Now, go into all the earth and proclaim that those that invite Me into their hearts gain the victory; eternal life at the moment they believe that I am Who I say I am. 

Your life times on this earth are very short compared to eternity.  Endure while you are here.  Do not give up.  Stay the course.  Keep walking by faith and not by sight and you will see results that will bless you exceedingly on this planet and your eternal rewards will be from everlasting to everlasting.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"
Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 23, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Deeper Walks, Reassuring, Abandoned, Fend For Yourselves, Angry, Get Quiet, Prophets, Disciples, Raised From The Dead, Believe, Prayer, Rejoice, I Am Real, Philosophy, Christian's Imaginations, Scriptures, Build A Relationship, Communion, Sheep, Voice, Divine, Life Of Victory, Defeat, Will Evaporate, Thin Air, Acting, Miracles, Signs, Wonders, Daily Basis, Daring Me, I Love You More, Read The Bible, Devour, Memorize, Meditate, My Image, Stop Doubting, Whining, Tricked By Demons, Test The Spirits, Ask, If Jesus Has Come In The Flesh

"Heaven on Earth" detail by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, Gary.  Believe that I am leading you down paths of righteousness for My name's sake, My children.  Believe that I will bring you into deeper walks with Me by speaking to your hearts and comforting and reassuring you that I have neither abandoned you to fend for yourselves nor left you because I was angry with something that you either did or did not do.  I love you and I am always willing to teach you how to walk in the Spirit.  I will teach you as you get quiet and listen to Me as I have already instructed you to do throughout the scriptures of the Bible. 

Photo of Original Letter
Believe that I spoke to My prophets in the Bible, My children.  Believe that I spoke to My disciples after I was raised from the dead.  Believe that I am still speaking to those that believe Me.  I will always be with you and in you and for you.  You do not have to worry that you have no one that loves you; I love you, and when you start giving Me time in prayer, then I will start revealing these truths to you on a personal basis and you will no longer doubt that I am willing to lead and guide you through your individual days, but you will rejoice every day that I am real and not just a philosophy of life or figments of Christians' imaginations. 

Believe the scriptures in the Bible.  Believe that My sheep hear My voice; I know them and they follow Me.  Believe that I empower you to do the kingdom work that I have called you to do while you are on this earth.  But if you do not build a relationship with Me of prayer and communion, then you will not be able to enter into the fullness of who you are in Me. 

"Heaven on Earth" detail
My will is Divine.  My will encompasses everything that is written in the Bible and more, and when you start showing Me that you really are interested in doing My will, instead of your individual wills, then you will be accelerated into a life of victory and the defeat that you have experienced so many times in the past will evaporate into thin air and you will walk by faith and no longer by sight, and because you are finally acting on My advice, on a daily basis, you will see miracles and signs and wonders, on a daily basis, instead of just once in a while because someone who understands what they read in the Bible has prayed for you. 

Do not resist My love any longer.  Do not cower.  Do not behave as though you are daring Me to do some great miracle for you to prove that I love you.  I have already done for you what I promised I would do.  I have died on the cross for you to prove that I love you more than anyone that you have or will ever meet in this earth. 

Prove to Me that you believe Me.  Read the Bible; devour it;  memorize it; so that you can meditate on what I have revealed to you through others that believed so much in Me that they wrote down what I did through them for your benefit so that you could be taught what I had already taught them. 

Stop resisting My love, My children.  Stop doubting that there is a purpose for you being created in My image.  Stop whining that I never answer your prayers.  If you learn what My will is, your prayers will ask for things that agree with My will and then I will answer every one of your prayers. 

Jesus, the Name above all names
Believe that your minds must be renewed with My written word, so that you cannot be tricked by demons that will try to get you to believe that the words that they interject into your thoughts are from Me.  Test the spirits, My children.  Every Spirit that acknowledges that I came in the flesh is of Me, My children.  Ask the spirits that speak to your minds and hearts if Jesus has come in the flesh.  I will always answer you with an affirmative like, 'Yes indeed.'  Other spirits that are not of Me will not acknowledge your question.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

JESUS LETTERS I Love You, Hearken To My Still Small Voice, I Am In You, Showing You The Way, Destinies, Time To Love, Intimately, Future, With Me Guiding, Do Not Worry, Continually Listen, Communion, Grow Daily, Willing To Follow Without Hesitation, Wax Bold, Instead Of Following With Intrepidation

"Follow Me" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you, showing you the way that I want you to go in the earth.  I will bring you to My destinies for your lives if you will only begin to love Me with all of your hearts. 

It takes time to love someone, My children.  It takes a lot of time to get to know them intimately.  If you will spend time with Me, I will tell you all you need to know about the future that I have planned to bring you into, with Me guiding you every step of the way. 

Photo of Original Letter
Do not worry that you do not yet know My plans for your lives; just trust Me to speak to your hearts what you need to know on a moment by moment basis.  I'm not saying that it's necessary for Me to speak to you every moment, but if you will continually listen for My advice, then your communion with Me will grow daily and your confidence in your ability to hear Me will grow to the point that whatever I ask you to do, you will be willing to follow Me without hesitation, because I will confirm the words that I speak to your hearts and you will wax bold to follow Me, instead of following with trepidation.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.