Tuesday, April 17, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Most Of Your Problems Stem From Unbelief, My Eyes Roam To And Fro, If You Love Me, Strength, Do Not Be In A Hurry, Lies, Be At Peace, I Am Not Angry With You, Lies Of Demons, You Are Forgiven, When I died, Cross, Agony, Pain Of Being Abandoned, Your Sins Are Washed Away, My Holy Blood Spilled For You, Father Of Lights, Mercy Seat, Moses, Aaron, Followed Hard After Me, Forsaking Food And Water

"Stairway to Heaven" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My voice, My children.  Believe that I am capable of directing your steps by speaking to your hearts, if you only obey my instructions. 

Photo of Original Letter
I know how to deliver you from all of your problems.  Most of your problems stem from unbelief, so if you will renew your minds with the written word of God in the Bible, then you will begin to understand how I work through My people that walk by faith that My eyes roam to and fro over all the earth, searching to show Myself strong on behalf of those who love Me.  If you love Me, you will obey My commands.  If you love Me, you will seek time with Me, because when you are in My presence you will receive the strength to carry out the instructions that I speak to your hearts. 

"Stairway to Heaven" detail
Do not be afraid to come and pray and wait upon Me to answer you.  Do not be in a hurry for Me to speak great and mighty things to you, but be at peace, knowing that I will speak what you need to hear at any given moment.  Most of you need to be reassured that I love you and that I am not angry with you.  You have been listening to the lies of demons that have been condemning you and trying to get you to believe that you are not forgiven of the things that you did, even before you invited Me into your hearts, but you are forgiven of every sin you have ever committed and I will forgive you of any sins you commit in the future.  You only need to believe it and receive the mercy that I extended to you when I died for your sins on the cross so that you would not have to go through the agony and the pain of being abandoned by the Father the way I did. 

Exalt the Name of Jesus with me
It is enough.  Believe Me; it is enough.  Your sins are washed away by My holy blood spilled for you so that you can be restored in every aspect to the Father of lights.  You have free access to His throne of grace and mercy.  Come sit on the mercy seat as Moses and Aaron sat on the mercy seat before Me in My presence.  Come and receive instruction from Me as Moses received instruction from Me when he followed hard after Me and climbed the mountain to find Me, forsaking food and water and all that was in the world, to know Me and find out what My perfect will for him and My people was.  It is enough.
Jesus, your Lord"
Be blessed . . . be love,

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