Wednesday, January 30, 2013

JESUS LETTERS Timing For All Things, In My Father's Hands, Order, Relax, We Are In Control, Our Plan, Our Grace, Trials, Tribulations, Good Times, Prosper Your Souls, Believe Scriptures, Rhema Words, Fairy Tales, We Manifest Ourselves, Glean Our Words, Plenty Of Success, Labor Of Love

"Jesus Praying" detail by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice, My children. Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.

"Jesus Praying" by Greer
Believe that I will show you what to do and when to do it. The timing for all things is in My Father’s hands. If you will allow Us to work through you, then you will proceed with the order that We establish for you; you will not try to run ahead of Our leading and make things happen because of your anxiousness, but you will relax, knowing that We are in control and that anything that comes along to stop Our plan from being completed will be subverted. We will empower you by Our grace. Our grace is sufficient for you in all things, in all circumstances, in the midst of trials and tribulations, and in the midst of the good times.

Listen carefully, My children. We want you to be happy and to prosper and to be in health, even as your souls prosper. Prosper your souls by ignoring what others say that contradicts what We have said. Satan comes immediately to steal away the word We have sown in your hearts, My children. Believe the words We have spoken throughout the Bible scriptures and believe the rhema words We speak to your hearts daily. Do not slough any of them off.

"Jesus Praying" detail by Greer
Do not treat Us as fairy tales that have no real consequences in your everyday lives. We will manifest Ourselves to those who love Us. If you love Us, you will believe and; therefore, act on every word that proceeds out of Our mouths. We speak most often to those that listen most often. Did you catch what We just said? 

I hope you caught it, My children. I hope you latch on to the truths that you have been reminded of in this letter. There is nothing here that has not been taught you in the Bible scriptures. Glean all of Our words and you will have plenty of success to show for your labor of love. It is enough.


Jesus, your Lord”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

JESUS LETTERS Seek My Counsel, Every Decision, Holding Out, Avoiding Me, Mother's Wombs, Heal Wounds, Wounded, Lies, Pain Locked Up In Bodies And Memory Banks, Deliver, Love, Joy, Peace, Holy Spirit, Be Transformed, World's Ways, Hate, Envy, Jealousies, Inability To Function, Raised You From Dead, Heavenly Places, Continue Steadfastly In Prayer

"Crow Chaser" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice, My children. Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day, and that I want you to know that I will speak to you on a regular basis as you seek Me for My counsel concerning every decision that you have to make about even the smallest details of life.

I have not been holding out on you, My children. You have been avoiding Me. Stop rebelling and doing whatever you feel like doing; instead, come to Me and find out what I designed you to do even in your mother’s wombs. I will speak to your individual hearts and I will comfort you and heal your wounds.

"Crow Chaser" detail by Greer
You have been wounded many times down through the years and many lies have been spoken to you by the enemies of your souls. I will deliver you from each and every lie, if you seek the truth of the scriptures of the Bible, the truth that will make you free from all the pain locked up in your bodies and memory banks. Believe that My word is quick, alive and powerful, and able to discern between the thoughts and the intents of one’s heart. Believe that I can and want to deliver you into My kingdom of love, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit.

Your consciences will hold you out of My kingdom if you do not renew your minds with the written word of God, so start studying like you have never studied before. Be transformed by the word of God, so that you are no longer conformed to the world’s ways. The world’s ways are not going to bring you peace or love or joy, My children. The world’s ways lead to hate, envy, jealousies, confusion, depression, general sadness and inability to function the way I want you to function.

The Alpha and the Omega
I want you to be full of My Spirit, a Spirit of life and vitality; a Spirit that empowers you and strengthens you to do whatever task is at hand; a Spirit that enables you and equips you for the kingdom work that I will lead you to, so that others will come to know Me personally and will partake of everything that I purchased for all believers when I died on the cross for the world’s salvation. I have raised you from the dead, My children. I have lifted you out of the kingdom of darkness and placed you in heavenly places with Me.

Believe that I will do everything that the Bible scriptures promise that I will do for those that trust Me wholeheartedly. Cower no longer. Do not be afraid to walk by faith. Continue steadfastly in prayer and supplication, believing that I roam the Earth searching to show Myself strong on behalf of those that love Me. If you love Me, you will obey My commands. It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

JESUS LETTERS Discouraged, Encouraged, Faith Portrayed In The Bible Scriptures, Read, Renew Your Minds, Wash Your Souls, Rhema Words

"Jesus Praying" detail by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice. Believe that I will give you the information that you need to continue doing the work that I have called you to do, My children.

If you will continue seeking My face on a daily and momentary basis, then you will not be discouraged, but you will be encouraged, knowing that I am with you and in you and for you, no matter what goes on in the world around you. Take heart, My people; take heart that I will bless you as you obey My still small voice and do not turn your backs on the faith that is portrayed throughout the Bible scriptures. Read them everyday. Renew your minds. Wash your souls, so that when I speak to your hearts, you will readily receive My rhema words to you as My directions to lead you down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake and for your benefits also. It is enough.


Jesus, your Lord”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Monday, January 28, 2013

JESUS LETTERS Reasons I Created You, Trap After Trap, Voices Of Strangers, Analogous To Sheep, John 10, Fear, Deception, Lying Spirits, Ignorance, No Excuse, Find, Study, Memorize, Meditate, Medicine, Manna, Riding The Fence, Haltering, Stagnate, Pools Of Doubt

"Let's Say" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice, My children. Believe that I will show you the reasons I created you and what My plans for your lives are on Earth.

"Let's Stay" detail by Grer

If you will hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord, your God, I will be able to keep you from falling into trap after trap set by Satan and all his demons. If you are not bent on doing your own wills with the limited knowledge that you have acquired in the little time you’ve been on planet Earth, then I can work with you because I am in you.

Do not be afraid to come to Me in prayer and listen. There is nothing to be afraid of. I will speak to you in ways that get your attention and you will not have to guess about whether the words you heard were your own thoughts or the voices of strangers speaking in your minds.

I speak to My children. My children are analogous to sheep that follow their shepherd. My sheep hear My voice, I know them and they follow Me, My written word says over and over. Read John chapter 10 and see how many times I was teaching you these truths so that you would not miss these facts. All that try to convince you that I do not speak to My children are either influenced by evil spirits such as fear and deception or lying spirits.

"Let's Stay" signature
Ignorance of the full counsel of My written word, My children, is no excuse for failure to believe Me. You have access to My word all over most of the world. You can find it and study it and memorize it. You can meditate on it, line upon line and precept upon precept, so that it will become life to all those that find it and medicine to all their flesh. See and taste that the word of the living God is true manna, true bread from heaven, sent to all that want Me, the Word, in them.

Stop riding the fence, My children. Stop haltering between two opinions. You will stagnate in pools of doubt and unbelief. Move towards a Spirit led life where you are listening to Me speak in you at all times of the day, so that you know that you know that I am inside you and that all that is written is absolutely true and powerful for all that act on it because they truly believe it. It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord, your Savior and your Teacher”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Sunday, January 27, 2013

JESUS LETTERS A Step At A Time, Dreams, Visions, Deceiving Spirit, Trick, Hamper, Every Thought Captive

"The Fisherman" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I will show you what I want you to do for Me while you are here on planet Earth.  You will be given My directions, a step at a time, as you allow Me to train you up in the way that you should go. 

"The Fisherman" by Greer
If you are without correction, My children, then you will have no part of the things that I would have done through your obedience to My still small voice.  Even those that receive dreams or visions from Me need to heed My still small voice.  A dream or a vision can show you My will for the future, but if you do not heed My instructions on a daily, even momentary, basis, then there is ample room for Satan to send a deceiving spirit around to trick you into doing something that will steal your time and therefore, hamper My plans from becoming manifested as soon as they could have been, had you only taken every thought captive to the obedience of Me, the Lord, your God, the Christ and your Comforter.  It is enough.

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

JESUS LETTERS Supply For The Work Of The Ministries, Ordained To Walk Out, Step By Step, I Will Establish, Succeed In Life, You Have Time, Stop Believing Lies, Proof Is In The Pudding, Doers Of The Word

"The Harbor" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice. Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day, My children.

"The Harbor" by Greer
Believe that I go before you and bring up your rears. Believe that I will lead you down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake and that I will supply you for the work of the ministries that I have ordained you to walk out, step by step, as you hear My voice and do what I ask of you. Believe that I will establish the work of your hands for you as you lean not upon your own understanding, but in all your ways you acknowledge Me. If you want to succeed in life, then come to Me and receive all that I am.

You have time, My children. Stop believing lies that people and demons put in your ears. You have time to do whatever I want you to do. You do not have time to waste though, so make the commitment that you will act on what I ask you to do, from now on, and see what happens. See if I am blessing your obedience to My instructions or not.

The proof is in the pudding, My children. You will find out that I am faithful and I reward those that seek Me for Who I really am, instead of just wanting Me to give them every little thing they ask for, whether they are doers of the word or not. It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Saturday, January 26, 2013

JESUS LETTERS I Will Equip You, Your Wills, I Will Wait Until You Change Your Minds, Get Plugged In, Jobs, Take Hold, Prosper, Behind The Scenes, Every Evil Thing, Lurking Plotting Scheming To Wreak Havoc

Get The Picture‏
           "Get The Picture" doodle by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.
I will show you what I want you to do and I will equip you with all that you need to do it.  I will not equip you to do your own wills.  If you choose to do your own wills, then I will wait until you change your minds.
Believe Me, My children.  I know what I created you to do in the Earth.  I know what you are capable of doing once you get plugged into the fact that I want to help you and anoint you for the jobs you were created to take hold of and prosper in.

Jesus Helps CRdoo
"Jesus Helps" doodle by Greer
Hear Me out, My children.  In trusting Me to be your guide while you are on this planet, then you will receive supernatural information from My throne of grace.  I will show you things that you have no idea are happening behind the scenes where there is deception and every evil thing, lurking and plotting and scheming to wreak havoc in your lives to prevent you all from entering into the lives that I designed for you to walk out as you are receiving instructions from Me, the Lord, your God.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Friday, January 25, 2013

JESUS LETTERS Why Do You Think I Do Not Love You, My Father, Wisdom From Above, Futile To Argue, Benefits, As Smart As Anyone, Dump Pride

Even a chicken can scratch in beach sand
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  Believe that I will show you what I want to do through you as you obey My leading. 

A O hat‏
The Beginning and the End
If you do not come to Me for direction, My children, then why do you think that I do not love you?  Why do you accuse Me of not loving you, when it is you that turn your backs on Me?  I have never turned My back on you, My children, and I never will.  I am simply waiting for you to step out in faith that I really meant every word that I spoke when I walked the Earth.  If you really believe this, then you will really read the scriptures, line upon line and precept upon precept, because I show you what to do in them and how to walk by faith as I did, every moment of the day. 
I was in constant communication with My Father.  He was constantly showing Me what to do and what to say so that His will would be accomplished in the Earth through My obedience to His voice and His wisdom.  The wisdom that comes from above is higher than any earthly wisdom, My children.  Do not lift up the wisdom of the world, but exalt the true wisdom that comes from above, where I am. 

The Highest CR175
"The Highest" by Greer

If you have accepted that I am Creator and omniscient, all knowing, then you will realize that it is futile to argue with My advice and My instructions and My commandments.  My commandments are written for your benefits, My children; they are not written to enslave you; they are written so that you can be free from enslavement; the enslavement that comes through being deceived into thinking that you are just as smart as anyone else, or maybe even smarter, so you will make your own decisions and do whatever you think is best for you and those around you.  You do not understand a thing, My children, if you think that way.  My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.  Do not settle for the limited wisdom that you have gained only in your short existences on this planet.
Come to Me.  I am willing to share eternal wisdom with you, if you will only dump your pride in your own abilities and talents and intellects and receive My grace.  I died on the cross for you to pay for your sins, not Mine.  I did not sin, because My Father led Me down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake.  If you will hearken to the voice of the Lord, your God, then you too will begin doing mighty works in the Earth to glorify My name and the One Who sends us into all the Earth to do His perfect will, not just good Godly ideas that are conjured up with reasoning and imagination based on limited knowledge.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord”
Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Thursday, January 24, 2013

JESUS LETTERS I Will Not Abandon You, Bible Scriptures, My Will Is Perfect Because I Am Perfect, No Flaws, Incorruptible, Never Tainted Nor Tarnished, Concept Of Eternity, Son Of God, Savior, Messiah, Born Again, Gun, Threatened, Persecuted, Creator, Able To Fix

Here Comes The Sun CRjes170
Let Us Exalt The Name Of Jesus Together Forever
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.
I will not abandon you nor leave you to fend for yourselves.  I will go before you and bring up your rears also, if you will abandon your ideas that contradict what I have written in the Bible scriptures.  The scriptures explain what My will is, My children.  My will is perfect, because I am perfect.  There are no flaws in Me whatsoever, and I am incorruptible.  I will never be tainted nor tarnished.  I am eternal.
Bye Bye Rain CRdet
Do you understand what the concept of eternity is, My children?  Do you understand that eternal life goes on forever and ever and that there is no stopping it?  If you understand the concept, then do not forget that I promised eternal life to all that believe Me, and because they have believed that I am the eternal Son of God, they invited Me into their lives so that I could change them into the persons I created them to be.
I change all that want to love.  My kingdom is a kingdom of love and truth.  It is the truth that I give My children eternal life, just because they have accepted Me for the Savior of the world, the Messiah.  Messiah means Savior, My children.  Now start asking Me to save you on a momentary basis, instead of just the one time when you asked Me to come into your hearts when you were born again by the Spirit of God.  I can and will save you out of all the situations that you have gotten yourselves into by not paying attention to everything that is written in the scriptures of the Bible.

Blue Horizon CRdetS175
JESUS, worthy to be exalted
Who has asked you not to study the scriptures line upon and precept upon precept, My children?  Who has held a gun to your head and threatened to kill you if you do not lay your Bible aside or burn it?  Who has threatened you in any way shape or form because they have seen you with a Bible in your hands?  If you are not being persecuted for righteousness sake, then what excuse do you think you have for disobeying My admonishments and exhortations to study the Bible to show yourselves approved unto God?  Why do you resist learning what I said when you know full well that I am the Creator of all things including you?  If you created someone, do you think you might be able to fix that person if something went wrong in their lives?
If you understand that a creator also knows how to repair what he has made, then you will get the point that I am making right now.  Trust Me to help you, My children.  Everything I did and said in the scriptures proves that I have the ability and supernatural power to correct anything that goes wrong with you.  Now why do you resist coming to Me for correction?  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord and Chastiser”
Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

JESUS LETTERS My Presence, Fullness Of Joy, Comforted To No End, Faithful, Do Not Hesitate, Stammer, Stutter, My Courses, Destinies Fullfilled

Cottage Road CR470
"Cottage Road" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you, My children.  Hearken to My still small voice.  Believe that I will show you what I want you to do if you come and sit in My presence where there is fullness of joy.  You will be comforted to no end, My children.

Cottage Road CRjes175
Can't Stop Praising His Name
Do not allow Satan and his demons to talk you out of praying and listening for Me to respond to your obedience to pray.  I will do it, if you obey.  I am faithful; be like Me; be faithful to do whatever I ask you to do, just as I was faithful to do whatever the Father asked Me to do when I walked the Earth in My Own flesh.  Do not hesitate.  Do not stammer and stutter with your list of excuses any longer; there is work to do while it is still daylight. 

Cottage Road CRsig175
"Cottage Road" signature
I am your light.  I will show you which paths to travel.  Believe that you will be happy when you are on one of My courses.  My courses lead to your destinies being fulfilled, My children.  My courses lead to you increasing in knowledge of My will and power to do the things that I designed for you to do if you will only obey My instructions.  I have already given you the faith that you need to step out, My children.  All you have to do is take one baby step at a time.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Again, I say to you; do not hesitate.  No longer halter between two opinions, yours and Mine.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord”
Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

JESUS LETTERS Never Fret, Enemies Of Your Souls, Battlegrounds, Satan Speaks Evil, Lies, No Fellowship With Darkness, Truths, Error, Reasonings, Imaginations, Hidden Factors, Omniscient, Praying, Light, Expose Darkness, Kingdom Business, Rewards, Stave Off Evil , Shield Of Battle, Hand Combat

First Snow CR470
"First Snow" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.
Do not be afraid.  Never fret over the things the enemies of your souls bring to your attention.  Your minds are the battle grounds, My children.  When Satan speaks evil into your minds, do not accept it as truth.  Lies have no part of the truth.  There is to be no fellowship with darkness in the kingdom of light, My children.  Do not mix your truths with error. 
First Snow CRdet170
"First Snow" detail by Greer
Do not say to yourselves that you can distinguish between good and evil by your reasonings and imaginations.  Your reasonings will lead you to confusion, because your reasonings do not have all the facts at hand to base your conclusions on; therefore, you will be misled into doing things based on reasons that you thought were good, not knowing that there were hidden factors that more than made a big difference in the decision that you would have made had you been omniscient. 
I am omniscient, My children.  No one can trick Me into believing their lies.  No one can hide any facts from Me.  I know the motives of everyone’s heart and I will not allow evil to reign in My kingdom of love, so stop fretting; start praying like you have never prayed before.  I will shine My light into your hearts to expose the darkness as darkness, and the truth will be self-evident.

First Snow CRjes170
Name above all names
Do not rely on your own understanding any longer, My children.  Come to Me often, so that I can show you what you need to know and where you need to go and who you need to talk to.  Believe that I lead My children down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake, My glory and My renown.  Believe that I will honor your obedience and give you favor wherever I send you to do My kingdom business.
It is My business, My children.  I am in charge of it and you will learn to love it, because the rewards for obedience are plentiful, and the peace and contentment in knowing that good fruit is being produced from your labors will stave off all the evil attacks that are arrayed against you, just as a shield of battle does in hand-to-hand combat.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord and Commander of the army of hosts”
Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Monday, January 21, 2013

JESUS LETTERS Afflictions, Enemies Of Souls And Bodies, Half-truths Clouding Your Minds, Stay In My Peace, Train You Up, My Light Cleanses, Impurities

Lost Pup CR470
"Lost Pup" by Greer
“Pen write”

Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you, every second of the day.  I am leading you down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake as you continually come to Me in prayer and receive instructions from Me. 

Lost Pup CRpup175
"Lost Pup" detail by Greer

Believe that I am going to deliver you from all of the afflictions that you have been afflicted with by the enemies of your souls and bodies.  If you will lean upon Me and not upon your own teachings that you have picked up from secular sources, then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free from all the half-truths that are clouding your minds.  My will is not cloudy, My childrenMy will does not confuse you.  My will does not change nor does it cause you to be fearful.  It causes you to stay in My peace.
If you want to remain at peace, then come to Me in prayer.  I am the Prince of Peace.  Learn from Me and you will not have to go without My peace another day of your lives.  Think about it, My children.  Think about a future that includes Me in it, every day of your remaining lives on this planet called Earth. 

Lost Pup CRcross175
Seek the cross
Be brave and courageous to come and give Me the time to train you up in the way you should go.  Give Me the time it takes to help you renew your minds with My written word in the scriptures of the Bible, so that you will not forget them so easily and will be able to refresh your minds at regular intervals and wash them clean with the water of My pure light.  My light cleanses away the darkness, the impurities that have built up in you, My children.  When you become cleansed, you will no longer resist My teachings, but you will hunger, for more and more.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord”
Be blessed . . . be love,
АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at