"First Snow" by Greer |
“Pen write”
“Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice.
Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.
Believe that I will show you, step by step, where I want you to go and what I
want you to do when you get there.
JESUS, the Name above all names |
Do not be afraid, My children. I am in you and I will protect
you from all the devices of the evil spirits that are sent to attack you, My
children. Believe that I am greater than they are. Believe that I have given
you authority over them. Use My name to cast them out of your minds and
bodies. Use My name. It’s above every other name in heaven and Earth and under
the earth.
Believe that I will show you the work that I have called you to
do while here on Earth. Believe that the gifts and callings of God are without
repentance. You only need to activate them. Activate them by stepping out in
faith that I have spoken to your hearts and I will equip you to do what I have
ordained you to do. Do you realize that I equipped My
disciples, My children? Do you realize that if they had not followed My leading
down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake, then you never would have been
"First Snow" detail by Greer |
Do you understand that I no longer walk the Earth in My Own
flesh, but that you, along with every other believer, are My body in the Earth
today? The Earth is filled with My glory, My children. My glory is hidden
inside each and every believer. Are you walking in My glory though? I’m asking
you, My children; are you walking by faith or not? Are you using My teachings
to teach others about Me? Are you allowing Me to guide you to others that need
the love that I have been burying in your hearts ever since you asked Me to come
inside you?
When will you start believing every word that has ever proceeded
out of My mouth, My children? When will you start rejecting every thought that
you know contradicts something that I said, My children? When will you take
hold of the fact that light has no fellowship with darkness? Lies and truth are
opposed to one another. Why would you allow lies to entertain you when the
Spirit of Love and Truth dwells in you and has raised you to eternal bliss that
has no end?
"First Snow" detail by Greer |
This world will pass away, but My word will continue throughout
all eternity, My children. Are you sure that you do not have time to learn what
My word actually says? Are you sure that you will not be judged for having
sloughed off the words that I spoke to you to prove Who I am to you so that you
could invite Me into your hearts so that I could change you into the people I
created you to be?
Why have you reneged on your promises, My children? You all
promised to follow after Me with all of your hearts. Why have you fallen back
to thinking your ways through life and getting yourselves into one mess after
another, instead of taking up your crosses to follow Me wherever I direct you to
You are ambassadors of Christ, My children. Does an ambassador
do whatever he or she wants to do and say whatever he or she wants to say and
go wherever he or she wants to go, or does the ambassador wait to be instructed
by whomever sends him or her to the places that need to hear the messages that
the sender has given them to relay to the kingdoms and nations that do not know
anything about their homeland? Heaven is your homeland, My children. Are you
letting others know about your homeland? Are you relaying the messages that
your King has given you to give to others so that they can all come to Me and
personally receive all that I am in My presence?
If you have not been doing the work of an ambassador, then maybe
you need to consider changing your minds, My children. Maybe you need to
believe the first message of the gospel: Repent; the kingdom of heaven is at
hand. It is enough.
Your Savior, Jesus, the Christ”
Be blessed . . . be love,
АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
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