Thursday, March 21, 2013

JESUS LETTERS Information For Wise Decisions, At Your Fingertips, My Light, My Love, Filled, Transformed, My Father's Glory, Signs And Wonders, Good God, Suffering, Evil Satan Caused

"Jesus Sunrise" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice, My children.

Believe that I will give you the information that you need to make wise decisions in every area of your lives, when you get in the habit of coming to Me for advice in every area of your lives. If you hesitate to think that I am capable of doing so, then it is evidence of the fact that you do not understand Who I really am.

"Hero of heroes" by Greer
I am Lord of all creation, My children. I invented everything that you see and taste and smell and feel and I will show you what you need to do with all that I created that’s at your fingertips, if you will recognize that I did not intend for you to walk alone by yourselves in the Earth. I will shine My light in your hearts, so that you are not in the dark any longer, and when you recognize My light as being My love for you, then you will come to Me to receive more and more light, so that your souls and bodies will be filled with the light of My love and you will be transformed into the people that I created you to be for My glory.

"Blinding Light" by Greer
My glory will shine out of you, the way My Father’s glory shined out of Me when I walked the Earth in My own flesh. People will see the glory and recognize that you have spent time in My presence. You will be loved by those I send you to, because the signs and wonders that I release through your obedience to My instructions will mesmerize all who experience them, and their doubts and fears will vanish from their minds because I will let them see that I am a good God and I do not cause their suffering but I deliver them from the evil that Satan has caused to take them away from a walk of faith and entrap them in a life of death and sorrow until their lives on Earth are used up and there is no time left to glorify My name. It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

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