"There He Goes" by Greer |
“Pen write”
“Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice,
My children. Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of
the day. Believe that I will show you the way out of the messes you have gotten
yourselves into by not adhering to the instructions that I gave you in My
written word.
"There He Goes" detail |
The Bible is given to you for your instruction before leaving
Earth, My children. I am instructing you now to read it, so that you will not
be fooled any longer by the demons that bombard your minds with deceptive
thoughts and innuendos that are all designed to lure you away from Me and My
perfect wills for your lives. You have all been created to work My will in the
Earth, My children. I did not create you to run around in circles, getting
fooled into wasting your time on Earth, and then coming into My heaven, prepared
for those that know Me, but arriving with no rewards stored up for you and no
fruit born for the time you spent on Earth.
If you will begin doing what I’ve asked you to do, over and over
again, then you will gain confidence that it is indeed I that have been speaking
to your hearts since you were very young children in Me. If you will lay down
your lives for the sake of taking up your crosses and following after Me with
all of your hearts, souls, minds and strengths, then you will be propelled into
the ministries that I have ordained you to walk out, and you will no longer be
confused as to what you truly are supposed to be doing on Earth, but you will
know that I have created you for a purpose and I am fulfilling that call on your
individual lives as you obey what I ask you to do by My indwelling Spirit, the
Spirit of Christ, in you.
"There He Goes" detail |
The Holy Spirit is your helper, My children. I have sent the
Holy Spirit to help you. Your Spirit is born again. You have the Spirit of
Christ in you, the same Spirit that I had when I walked the Earth in My Own
flesh. Now I walk the Earth in your flesh by My Spirit, the Spirit of Christ in
you. The Holy Spirit works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. We
are One Spirit, but the Holy Spirit empowers us to do the will of God. The Holy
Spirit will come upon your flesh and your soul to do what no man can do in his
or her own strength.
The Holy Spirit came upon Samson to do what no man could do in
his own strength, but you are not a mere man with the Holy Spirit strengthening
you, any longer, because I came inside you. I am the Seed and when you believed on Me to be your Lord and your Savior, I came inside you by the power of the
Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Christ in you permanently is what makes you a New
creature in Christ. The Holy Spirit helps you do My will, but it is your will
that decides whose will you will act on, yours or Mine.
"There He Goes" signature |
Believe that My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts
are higher than your thoughts, My children. Believe that you have been
translated out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of My love. If
you seek My kingdom to come on Earth as it is in heaven, then you will receive
supernatural power to do the kingdom work and you will no longer be interested
in accumulating things on this Earth as if there is nothing more important
than living a prosperous life while you are here on Earth. It is
Jesus, Lord, Savior, Teacher of those who have ears to
Be blessed . . . be love,
АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
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