"First Snow" by Greer |
“Pen write”
“Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice,
My children.
JESUS, worthy to be exalted |
Believe that I will show you the great and mighty things you do
not know. Believe that I will bring you into My kingdom.
My kingdom is within you; you therefore have access to it through your faith
in every word that proceeds out of the mouth of your Creator.
I am God, My children. I created you to do great exploits for
My name’s sake. Will you come to Me for instruction as to what I created you to
accomplish in the Earth, or will you continue thinking that you have the
intelligence to figure it out all by yourselves?
"First Snow" detail by Greer |
Where does it say in the Bible that I created you and wanted you
to live detached from My omniscience? Where does it say that I have given you a
brain and I want you to use it to the best of your abilities? Why do you want
to live your lives doing whatever you feel like doing, My children, when I have
warned you not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Your
minds are so cluttered with the lies that Satan has planted there, that most of
you do not know your left hand from your right. You think you know, so you act
on your thoughts, and you ignore the fact that I told you long ago that My
thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways.
I am the way to heaven, My children. I have the keys that will
open doors for you to do the work that I created you to do in the Earth before
you leave it, but if you do not pay attention to My advice, then you will arrive
in heaven wondering why you have so few rewards compared to others.
"First Snow" detail by Greer |
Rewards follow obedience to My instructions. Rewards are not
given for creative ideas that you think are clever. My rewards are stored for
you in heaven, a Spiritual kingdom of love and truth, and when you get serious
about loving people the way I taught you to love them, then you will receive
bukoo rewards for your faithfulness to believe that I really came inside you for
the purpose of becoming one with you, so that I could be the first born of many
brethren and accomplish My will in the Earth speedily.
If you are not with Me, you are against Me, My children. Why
are you fighting against Me, My children? Why do you resist My love, My
instruction, My mercy, My grace? Why do you not read My written word so that
you can learn how different My will and thoughts are compared to what you think
you want to do with your lives on Earth? Are you caught up in your
imaginations, My children, or are you caught up in someone else’s imaginations?
Imaginations will not give you the keys to the kingdom of
heaven within you. I have the keys and I am real, and I give the keys to those
who honestly seek Me with all of their hearts, souls, minds and strengths.
"First Snow" signature |
Are you one of My obedient children? Are you one of those
seeking Me for Who I really am, or are you just pretending to believe that it
doesn’t matter what you choose to do with your lives on Earth, that I love you
and you can do without My advice? It is enough.
Jesus, your Lord, Teacher and Admonisher”
Be blessed . . . be love,
АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
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