Sunday, December 15, 2013

JESUS LETTERS When I Do Not Speak To You, Wait Upon Me, Do Not Expect Immediate Answers All The Time, Your Fears Interfere With Our Communication, Fear Is The Opposite Of Faith

"Hint Hint Hint" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  Believe that I will show you what I want you to do on a daily, and moment by moment basis, when necessary to hear from Me momentarily. 

"Hint Hint Hint" detail
Do not be concerned when I do not speak to you.  Wait upon Me.  Do not expect immediate answers all the time.  Many times you are worried and anxious about life’s circumstances and your fears interfere with our communication, because fear is the opposite of faith, My children.  Fear stops you from believing My promises.  Believing Me is trusting what I have spoken to you in the scriptures of the Bible and what I speak to your hearts at all times of the day.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord and Teacher”

Be blessed . . . be love,

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