Saturday, December 27, 2014

JESUS LETTERS I Want To Speak To Your Hearts In Ways That Will Get Your Attentions, Following Hard After Me, Great And Mighty Things, Latter Days, My Perfect Plans

"Jesus Sunset" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I want to speak to your hearts in ways that will get your attentions and keep you interested in following hard after Me. 

The name above all names
If you will only give Me the time it takes to communicate My love to you, I will show you great and mighty things that you do not know but that the world needs to know in these latter days.  If you will heed My advice, you will receive more advice, and I will be able to provide the wisdom you need to be in My perfect plans for your lives.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2014  ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Thursday, December 25, 2014

JESUS LETTERS I Am In You To Help You Through Life, The Places I Want To Go In You, Help Me, Rebelling At My Authority And Love, Flesh, Intellects, My Spirit Inside You, Advising You, Available 24 Hours A Day, Ministries That I Ordained, You Will Not Be Disappointed If You Follow Me, No Regrets, Amazed At How Faithful I Am, The Dangers That Satan Whispers

"Winter Wonderland" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children. 

JESUS, name above all names
Believe that I am in you to help you through life on Earth and in heaven.  Believe that I will give you all the wisdom you need to get to the places that I want to go in you, but if you are unwilling to go where I want to go, then you cannot help Me and I cannot help you, because you yet are rebelling at My authority and love and are running away to do what your flesh and your intellects have decided to do, instead of what My Spirit inside you is advising you to do. 

I am here, My children.  I am available 24 hours a day, but unless you study the scriptures in the Bible, you will never understand the importance of obeying every word that proceeds out of the mouth of your God.  Believe wholeheartedly, instead of halfheartedly, so that I can propel you into the ministries that I ordained you to walk out while you are on this Earth. 

You will not be disappointed if you follow Me, My children.  You will have no regrets.  You will be amazed at how faithful I am to bless you and keep you out of the dangers that Satan whispers to you will befall you if you do as I command.  It is enough.

Jesus, your faithful Helper”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2014  ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Monday, December 22, 2014

JESUS LETTERS Life's Problems, Confide In Me, You Will Not Go Around In Circles, If You Confide In Me, The Glory Of God, My Words All Match, Absolute Truths, Actions That Prove You Honestly Believe

"Water Talks" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I will show you the way through life’s problems if you will confide in Me.  If you will seek My face and find what I designed you to do, while you are on Earth, then you will not go around in circles, if you follow My advice, My instructions, My counsel that I speak to your hearts as we are communing with one another during our prayer times. 

Exalt the name of Jesus with me
Believe the scriptures, My children.  Believe them wholeheartedly, so that you can come out of the darkness that surrounds you, and clouds your minds with doubt and unbelief.  Only believe and you will see the glory of God; but if you doubt My words written in the Bible for your comfort and exhortation, then how will you believe the words that I speak to your hearts individually? 

My words all match, because they are all absolute truths, My children.  Do not shy away from My words. You will only delay your destinies from being fulfilled if you do not follow through with actions that prove you honestly believe every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2014  ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Thursday, December 11, 2014

JESUS LETTERS: I Will Give You All That You Need To Fulfill The Calls Of God On Your Lives, If You Will Only Seek My Face, If You Do Not Seek My Face, Little Fruit, Your Promises, Ride The Fence, Your Own Prosperity, True Riches, The Boldness It Takes To See My :Power Manifested, I Will Do Exactly What The Bible Teaches I Will Do, Holy Spirit, Spirit Man, Spirit Of Christ In You

"Perfect Timing" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I will give you all that you need to fulfill the calls of God on your lives, if you will only seek My face to find out what I have created you to do while you are on Earth. 

The name that's above every other name
If you do not seek My face daily, then what makes you any different from those that have never invited Me into their hearts?  What will you say to Me when you get to heaven but there is little fruit that you have brought with you, because you refused to follow after Me with all of your hearts, but you reneged on your promises and decided to ride the fence all your lives and find your own prosperity, instead of seeking the true riches that I would have given you had you only paid enough attention to My teachings in the Bible and in your private prayer times with Me to understand the meanings of those words you memorized, so that you could act on them with the boldness it takes to see My power manifested all around you through the faith that I have given you to believe that I am exactly Who the Bible teaches I am and I will do exactly what the Bible teaches I will do through anyone that believes and receives My instruction through the Holy Spirit speaking to your Spirit man, the Spirit of Christ in you?  It is enough.


Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2014  ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Sunday, November 9, 2014

JESUS LETTERS: Know That I Am Alive, Promises, Bible, How I Relate To People, I Do Not Want To Take Control Of You, I Am Looking For Bondservants, I Forgive Everyone That Asks Me To Forgive Them, Purposes I Created You, Power, Comfort, Do Not Delay Your Destinies, Wasting Your Time, Prophets, A Glimpse Of The Future, These Latter Days, My Power Is Coming To The Body Of Christ Again, Ride The Crest Of The Wave Of My Glory, Prepare Your Hearts, Love Me With The Same Love That I Have And Always Will Love You

"Foot Of The Cross" detail by Greer"
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice again, My children. 

"Foot Of The Cross" detail by Greer
I am in you to speak to your hearts, so that you will know that I am alive and will fulfill all My other promises that I made to you in the Bible.  The Bible is a collection of books that tell you how I relate to people that are seeking Me.  If you do not seek Me, then there is no sense in Me forcing Myself on you or in you, because you would only despise Me for taking control of you. 

I do not want to take control of you, My children.  I do not want to force you to be My slaves.  I am looking for bondservants.  Bondservants are free to do whatever they want to do; and they want to come back to Me, time and time again, to experience more of My love. 

"Foot Of The Cross" detail by Greer
My love is freely given to those that ask Me to love them.  I forgive everyone that asks Me to forgive them from running away from Me and treating Me as their enemy.  I am not your enemy, My children.  I want to help you live your lives for the purposes I created you for, but if you do not deny your right to do whatever the world is enticing you to do, then you have no revelation of the power and comfort I want to give you so that you will not be afraid of anything, ever again. 

Come to Me, now.  Do not delay your destinies from being fulfilled in this Earth any longer.  Come boldly to My throne of grace and ask Me to explain to you what I created you to do while you live on this Earth in your flesh as I did over 2000 years ago.  I am greater than he who is in the world and I will turn your lives around so that you will no longer be wasting your time on Earth, but you will begin entering into My plans and purposes to fulfill all that was foretold through the prophets that I spoke to, so that you would have a glimpse of the future that you are walking out in these latter days. 

My power is coming to the body of Christ again, My children.  I will pour it out again soon, and you will ride the crest of the wave of My glory, if you prepare your hearts and settle it in your hearts that you are going to love Me with the same love that I have and always will love you.  It is enough.

Jesus, Lord and Savior of My obedient children”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2014  ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Friday, November 7, 2014

JESUS LETTERS: The Time It Takes To Communicate My Will To Your Hearts, Do Not Be Afraid To Listen, You Have Time To Seek My Face, My Presence, You So Desperately Need To Guide You Through The Darkness That Surrounds You, Believe That I Created You To Bring Glory To My Name, Prince Of Peace, Speaking, Thought-lives, Come Receive My Grace, My Love, The Mercy I Paid For When I Died For You

"First Snow" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day, and that I will lead you down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake if you will allow Me the time it takes to communicate My will to your hearts.

"First Snow" detail by Greer
Do not be afraid to listen.  Stop listening to your enemies' voices, saying that you do not have time to get quiet and pray.  You have time to seek My face, My children.  You have time to enter into My presence where you will receive all the comfort and edification and exhortation that you so desperately need to guide you through the darkness that surrounds you while you are stationed on Earth here to do My will instead of the wills of others that have no idea what My plans and purposes for creating you for in the first place are. 

You will become one with Me and then you will believe that I created you to bring glory to My name.  You will become so attached to Me that you will no longer care about all the things in the world that now have your attention and cause you to worry and fret, every day, because you have not entered the peace of God that is within you. 

"Foot Of The Cross" rendition
Do you want to enter into My peace, My children?--of course you do.  Now listen and you will find Me, the Prince of Peace, speaking to your hearts as you quiet your thought-lives down, so that you can recognize My still small voice explaining to you personally how much I love you and want you to remember that I am inside you because you invited Me into your hearts and I am never going to leave you to fend for yourselves. 

Come receive My grace.  Come receive My love.  Come receive the mercy that I paid for when I died for you on the cross of Calvary, so that we can be one, forever.  It is enough.


Jesus, your Lord”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2014  ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Thursday, October 9, 2014

JESUS LETTERS: The Time It Takes To Have A One On One Relationship With Me, Prayer Is Where I Meet With You To Explain What I Intend To Do, Your Reluctance To Relinquish Your Wills To Do My Will, What Clogs Up The Flow, Relying On Someone Else To Give You A Written Sermon That He Or She Has Concocted, Jesus, Understands All Of Your Actions

"I'm Calling You" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day. 

Believe that I will show you all that you need to do, if you will allow Me the time it takes to have a One on one relationship with Me.  It takes time to get to know a person and it takes even more time to get to know them well enough to trust that person.  If you are not willing to spend time in prayer, then you do not understand that prayer is where I meet with you to explain what I intend to do in the Earth through your obedience to My commands. 

"Thirsty Vines" by Greer
My commands are not burdensome, My children.  Your reluctance to relinquish your wills to do My will, as if your wills are better than the will of an all seeing, all knowing, all loving God, Who is in you in order that He might share His omniscience with you because He loves you so much that He never wanted you to have to do without His Fatherly advice and experience, is what clogs up the flow of supernatural wisdom that could be given to you, moment by moment, if you only decided to believe that all the scriptures in the Bible are accurate and will lead you into My perfect wills for your individual lives if you will act on the scriptures and come to Me, so that I can show you the exact meaning of them, instead of relying on someone else to give you a written sermon that he or she has concocted to talk you into doing something he or she would like you to do for them.  It is enough.

Jesus, the God that knows all and sees all and understands all of your actions, whether they be in line with My perfect will for your individual lives or not.”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2014  ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Monday, June 23, 2014

JESUS LETTERS Instructions Spoken To Your Hearts From Within Where I Dwell, Things The World Tells You, No Lasting Truths, Revolve Around Getting Ahead In Life, On Earth, Believe That I Am Who The Bible Teaches I Am, The Son Of God, I Will Educate You, Things Of God, Eternal Truths, Learn The Intricacies Of My Will, Do It, Question, Number One Priority, My Father's Business, Whims, Destiny, Faulty, Incomplete Knowledge, Trouble, Avoided, Free Will, Traps, Satan, Demons,

"Heart light" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  Believe that I am leading and guiding you down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake, as you adhere to My instructions spoken to your hearts from within where I dwell. 

I Am Who The Bible Teaches I Am
Do not believe the things the world tells you; they have no lasting truths.  Their truths all revolve around getting ahead in life, the life that is on Earth, and those truths will not prevail, because there is life after you leave this world, and it is eternal if you believe that I am Who the Bible teaches I am. 

I am the Son of God; sent to Earth to save you from all evil that has been attacking you and lying to you all of your lives, My children.  I will educate you in the things of God—His eternal truths that you will live by forever, if you come to Me and seek My face in order that you may learn the intricacies of My will in order that you may do it. 

"Heart Light" by Greer
Do you want to do My will or not, My children?  Keep asking yourselves that same question until it sinks way down into your subconscious minds, so that you begin to understand that it is of upmost importance that you understand that once you have invited Me into your hearts, then the number one priority in your lives from that point forward is to go about My Father’s business in the world as I did, not caring about the whims of the flesh, but knowing that what is important to the Father is of utmost importance for you.  Take heed that you do not slough off the things He asks you to do through Me, My children.  My Father knows what you have been destined to do with your lives in the Earth, but you can only enter into that destiny if you obey His instructions which will come through My advice to you most of the time. 

I will instruct you in every area of your lives, My children.  There is never a time or circumstance that I do not know what would be best for you to choose to do at any given moment, but if you do not rely on My omniscience, then you will be trusting in your limited knowledge of the facts that you have gathered and you will make your decisions based on faulty or incomplete knowledge, and that will lead you into trouble that could have been avoided had you paid attention and obeyed My instructions. 

"Winter's Warmth" by Greer
I love you, My children.  I do not instruct you to take your free wills away.  I instruct you to help guide you around the traps that Satan and his demons love to set for you, so that they can dampen your spirits, souls and bodies and slow you down from entering into the purposes, plans and pursuits that I created you to enter and complete before your lives are over on planet Earth.  It is enough.


Jesus, Lord and Savior of those that invite Me to be their Savior and then obey My commands”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2014  ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Friday, June 20, 2014

JESUS LETTERS Heed My Instructions, Obey My Instructions, My Instructions Are Good And Profitable, Follow Through With Action, His Faith Is Dead

"The Carving" detail by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children. 

"The Carving" by Greer
Believe that I will show you the great and mighty things that you do not know, if you will heed My instructions and obey My instructions.  Listening to and remembering what I have asked you to do is not the same as doing what I’ve asked you to do.  One hears and agrees that My instructions are good and profitable, but does not follow through with action.  His faith is dead.  Another listens and obeys My instructions by following through with whatever assignment has been given him or her.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2014  ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Thursday, June 19, 2014

JESUS LETTERS Your Short Time Here, Too Much Trouble For Me To Speak To You That Often, Cut Yourselves Off, River Of Life, The Bible Is A Good Place To Start Finding Me, Specific Instructions, Pie In The Sky, My Light--My Love, Fully Light Your Pathways, Impending Dangers, Evil Spirits, Give Me Permission

"Clouds Gone Wild" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children. 

"Clouds Gone Wild" detail by Greer
Believe that I will show you what I created you to do in the Earth during your short time here.  I will instruct you momentarily, if you will hearken to My still small voice on a moment by moment basis; but, if you think that it is too much trouble for Me to speak to you that often or for you to listen that often, then you have cut yourselves off from the river of life that I designed to flow through you.  My words are Spirit and they are life to all that find them. 

Yes, the Bible is a good place to start finding Me, but once you have found Me, you need to learn how to listen, so that I can give you specific information concerning your individual lives and ministries.  You will not find the Bible calling you by name as I called the prophets by name and gave them specific instructions and specific words, that had never been spoken before, to speak to the children of Israel.  You will receive specific instructions from Me from within where I dwell. 

The name "JESUS" is in most
Greer watercolor paintings
I am not a pie in the sky god, My children.  I designed you so that you would never have to be without My advice after you invited Me into your hearts.  I came in when you invited Me in to be your Lord and Savior, but some of you have reneged on making Me your Lord and have settled on the dregs.  You have settled on just making Me your Savior. 

Yes, I saved you.  Yes, I brought you out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of light, so, now, make Me your Lord, your Master, so that I can fill you with My light--My love, every moment of the day and fully light your pathways so that you can see where you are headed and be warned by the light of My word of impending dangers from evil spirits that would try to interfere with the kingdom work that I am sending each and every one of you to do for My glory.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord and Savior, if you give Me permission to order your steps”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2014  ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

JESUS LETTERS Power To Affect Change, Bring Me Yourselves, Set At My Feet, Mary, My Disciple, I Am In You To Coach You Through Life, Become Star Players, Take Up Your Crosses, Follow Hard After Me, I Won The Victory By Following Hard After My Heavenly Father's Advice

"Follow Me" by Greer
“Pen write”

JESUS in the wave
“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am going to show you the great and mighty things you do not know.  Believe that I will reveal to you My plans and purposes for creating you and I will empower you to go forth in the Earth as I went out and did what My Father showed Me to do with power to affect change in people’s lives. 

"Foot Of The Cross" rendition by Greer
Bring Me yourselves, My children.  Bring Me all that you are and set at My feet the way Mary, My disciple, sat at My feet and listened to every word that I spoke to her.  You can hear Me speaking to you now from within you, My children.  I am in you to coach you through life.  I am in you to help you become star players in the kingdom of light and love.  Follow My advice.  Do not be rebellious, but take up your crosses and follow hard after Me, so that I will be able to show you how I won the victory by following hard after My heavenly Father’s advice.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord, your Counselor, Your Victory”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2014  ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Monday, June 16, 2014


"Color Me Gone" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I will lead and guide you down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake if you will agree with Me that I am in you to do just that.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord/Master”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2014  ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at

Sunday, June 15, 2014

JESUS LETTERS Consider The Things That I Have Shown You And Taught You

Consider the things I've taught you
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you, My children.  Believe that I am leading you down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake as you consider the things that I have shown you and taught you in your hours of prayer, fasting and studying My written word in the Bible.  It is enough.


Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2014  ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
You can find me at