Thursday, June 19, 2014

JESUS LETTERS Your Short Time Here, Too Much Trouble For Me To Speak To You That Often, Cut Yourselves Off, River Of Life, The Bible Is A Good Place To Start Finding Me, Specific Instructions, Pie In The Sky, My Light--My Love, Fully Light Your Pathways, Impending Dangers, Evil Spirits, Give Me Permission

"Clouds Gone Wild" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children. 

"Clouds Gone Wild" detail by Greer
Believe that I will show you what I created you to do in the Earth during your short time here.  I will instruct you momentarily, if you will hearken to My still small voice on a moment by moment basis; but, if you think that it is too much trouble for Me to speak to you that often or for you to listen that often, then you have cut yourselves off from the river of life that I designed to flow through you.  My words are Spirit and they are life to all that find them. 

Yes, the Bible is a good place to start finding Me, but once you have found Me, you need to learn how to listen, so that I can give you specific information concerning your individual lives and ministries.  You will not find the Bible calling you by name as I called the prophets by name and gave them specific instructions and specific words, that had never been spoken before, to speak to the children of Israel.  You will receive specific instructions from Me from within where I dwell. 

The name "JESUS" is in most
Greer watercolor paintings
I am not a pie in the sky god, My children.  I designed you so that you would never have to be without My advice after you invited Me into your hearts.  I came in when you invited Me in to be your Lord and Savior, but some of you have reneged on making Me your Lord and have settled on the dregs.  You have settled on just making Me your Savior. 

Yes, I saved you.  Yes, I brought you out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of light, so, now, make Me your Lord, your Master, so that I can fill you with My light--My love, every moment of the day and fully light your pathways so that you can see where you are headed and be warned by the light of My word of impending dangers from evil spirits that would try to interfere with the kingdom work that I am sending each and every one of you to do for My glory.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord and Savior, if you give Me permission to order your steps”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
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