Sunday, November 9, 2014

JESUS LETTERS: Know That I Am Alive, Promises, Bible, How I Relate To People, I Do Not Want To Take Control Of You, I Am Looking For Bondservants, I Forgive Everyone That Asks Me To Forgive Them, Purposes I Created You, Power, Comfort, Do Not Delay Your Destinies, Wasting Your Time, Prophets, A Glimpse Of The Future, These Latter Days, My Power Is Coming To The Body Of Christ Again, Ride The Crest Of The Wave Of My Glory, Prepare Your Hearts, Love Me With The Same Love That I Have And Always Will Love You

"Foot Of The Cross" detail by Greer"
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice again, My children. 

"Foot Of The Cross" detail by Greer
I am in you to speak to your hearts, so that you will know that I am alive and will fulfill all My other promises that I made to you in the Bible.  The Bible is a collection of books that tell you how I relate to people that are seeking Me.  If you do not seek Me, then there is no sense in Me forcing Myself on you or in you, because you would only despise Me for taking control of you. 

I do not want to take control of you, My children.  I do not want to force you to be My slaves.  I am looking for bondservants.  Bondservants are free to do whatever they want to do; and they want to come back to Me, time and time again, to experience more of My love. 

"Foot Of The Cross" detail by Greer
My love is freely given to those that ask Me to love them.  I forgive everyone that asks Me to forgive them from running away from Me and treating Me as their enemy.  I am not your enemy, My children.  I want to help you live your lives for the purposes I created you for, but if you do not deny your right to do whatever the world is enticing you to do, then you have no revelation of the power and comfort I want to give you so that you will not be afraid of anything, ever again. 

Come to Me, now.  Do not delay your destinies from being fulfilled in this Earth any longer.  Come boldly to My throne of grace and ask Me to explain to you what I created you to do while you live on this Earth in your flesh as I did over 2000 years ago.  I am greater than he who is in the world and I will turn your lives around so that you will no longer be wasting your time on Earth, but you will begin entering into My plans and purposes to fulfill all that was foretold through the prophets that I spoke to, so that you would have a glimpse of the future that you are walking out in these latter days. 

My power is coming to the body of Christ again, My children.  I will pour it out again soon, and you will ride the crest of the wave of My glory, if you prepare your hearts and settle it in your hearts that you are going to love Me with the same love that I have and always will love you.  It is enough.

Jesus, Lord and Savior of My obedient children”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
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