Tuesday, February 24, 2015

JESUS LETTERS: Do Not Allow Your Minds To Wander Off, Rationalizing, Places That Are Contrary To My Will, Countless Ideas, Imagining Doing All Sorts Of Worldly Or Even Godly Things, Important Causes, Waste Time, I Designed You For Specific Good Works, Abiding In My Presence, Born From Above, New Spirit, New Heart, Perfected Spirit, Soul, Body, Latch Hold, Life Preservers, Ocean Full Of Sharks, Lives Cut Short, Demons That Satan Sends To Destroy The Tents, Violent Winds, Able To Avoid The Traps Of Evil Forces, Satan Will Unleash, Last Days, Lord, Deliverer, Protector

"Storm's Coming" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe Me.  Trust Me.  Do not allow your minds to wander off of the good things, the truths, that I have taught you down through the years by your studying the scriptures of the Bible as I have trained you to do through the scriptures and by My indwelling Spirit.

"Storm's Coming" detail by Greer
Any time spent rationalizing will lead you into places that are contrary to My will for your lives, My children.  At any given moment of the day, there are countless ideas to think about, and you could spend your whole lives thinking and imagining doing all sorts of worldly or even Godly things that sound like important causes that will reap benefits and blessings for you and My people; but those things and ideas will only waste time. 

I know what I designed you to do in the Earth.  I designed you for specific good works, because I do not do things haphazardly.  I will only be able to bring you into the specific reason I had for creating you, if you allow Me to instruct, day by day and even moment by moment.  Until you are willing to remain in Me constantly, by abiding in My presence within you, then you have not understood, yet, what I did for you fully, nor do you understand fully Who I am, My children. 

"Beyond The Sea" by Greer
I am the Son of the living God.  You are My sons and daughters and I created you to be like Me.  If you are born from above, by inviting Me into your hearts so that I could change you by giving you a new Spirit and a new heart, then you are ready to be perfected Spirit, soul and body, and not just Spirit.  Your soul—your mind, intellect and emotions will be perfected as you adhere to My words written in the Bible for your benefits.  They will benefit you immensely when you latch hold of them as if they are life preservers floating in the middle of an ocean full of sharks.
Heed My advice.  Learn the scriptures of the Bible, line upon line and precept upon precept, so that your lives are not cut short by the demons that Satan sends to destroy the tents that I have given you.  Winds will come, violent winds, but you will be covered by My pinions if you believe Me whole heartedly; and therefore, start doing whatever I ask you to do, so that you can be trained to do whatever I ask you to do immediately, so that you will be able to avoid the traps of evil forces that Satan will unleash upon My people in these last days.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord, Deliverer and Protector”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries

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