Wednesday, January 21, 2015

JESUS LETTERS: Believe Me When I Tell You That I Love You And Want To Help You, Struggles On Earth, I Have Come To Give You Light--To Shine Light On Your Paths, Agree With Me

"Blinding Light" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe Me when I tell you that I love you and want to help you, moment by moment, through your struggles on Earth. 

"Jesus Helps" doodle by Greer
I have come to give you light--to shine light on your paths, so that you can see where I have planned to lead you.  But, if you do not believe the scriptures, then you will not believe that I came inside you by My Spirit, the Spirit of Christ in you, to lead you down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord.  Agree with Me”

Be blessed . . . be love,

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