Wednesday, February 28, 2018

JESUS LETTERS No Longer Insist On Trying To Figure Things Out, Thinking Of Endless Ramifications, Scenarios Built Up, Your Brain Waves Can Be Loose Cannons, Like A Train Off The Rails, Harness Your Thoughts, Take Every Thought Captive, Problems To Be Dispersed, Course Corrections

"Drifting" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I will begin showing you things that are necessary for you to understand, when you no longer insist on trying to figure things out by thinking of all the endless ramifications of the scenarios that are built up in your brain waves. 

Name above all names
Your brain waves can be loose cannons, My children.  Do not let your thoughts run away like a train off the rails.  Harness your thoughts.  Take every thought captive to the obedience of My word, My children, and you will find the problems to be dispersed, because you are no longer trying to be Lords/Masters of your own lives.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord/Master, if you agree that I will help you by communicating My love, My wisdom and even My course corrections to you”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2018   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

JESUS LETTERS Communicate With Me, Written Commands, Verbal Commands

"Bent Tree" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children. 

"Bent Tree" detail by Greer
Believe that I want you to be able to communicate with Me on a moment’s notice.  Believe that I can and will communicate with you, whenever I want to, when you become willing to give Me the time necessary to train you to be obedient to My commands, written in the Bible scriptures, and obedient to My verbal commands to you personally.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord/Master”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2018   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

JESUS LETTERS Agree That My Will Is Better, Cognitive Powers, Your Minds Are Finite, My Mind Is Infinite, Glean My Infinite Truths, Scriptures, Personal Relationships, Your Master

"Beyond The Sea" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I will show you what My will is for your individual lives.  I will bring My will to pass in your lives, if you will only agree that My will is better than what you can come up with, using your cognitive powers. 

"Foot Of The Cross" detail by Greer
Your minds are finite.  My mind is infinite.  Glean My infinite truths stored up in the Bible scriptures and they will lead you to the personal relationships I always had in Mind to communicate to you through your faith that I am real and I am love and I love you forever.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Master”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2018   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Monday, February 26, 2018

JESUS LETTERS Believe Me Wholeheartedly Today, Always And Forever

"Coming Around" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe Me wholeheartedly today, always and forever.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord and Teacher”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2018   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Saturday, February 24, 2018

JESUS LETTERS For My Glory, Praise Me Like You Praise No One Else, Tell Others, Myriads, The Measure Of Faith, Saved From Damnation, Get To Work, Gospel, Good News, Best News, Resources To Expand Your Outreaches, Love Is Contagious, Let My Love Catch On Fire And Melt You Within My Arms

"Faith Hope Love" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I want to show you what I created you to do for My glory. 

Glorify the name of JESUS with me
What do I mean about ‘for My glory’?   I mean I created you to please Me by explaining to others that I am a good God and that I love them.  It is enough that you praise Me like you praise no one else.  If you praise Me above all other people and things, then you give Me glory in this dark Earth.  If you tell others how good I have been to you and tell others about the miracles I’ve done for you and tell others what you have learned by studying the Bible, then you are doing what I created you to do. 

"Faith Hope Love" detail
The Bible was not just written for your benefits, My children.  The Bible was written to bring myriads of people into My everlasting kingdom of love.  If you share the marvelous things written for your comfort and exhortation and edification and correction, then you are sharing My love for all of mankind, and those that take hold of the measure of faith that all humans have been given will be saved from damnation and become My beloved children who I will advise, just like you, and assign things that I want them to do for My glory, just as I have you.  Now, take up your crosses and follow Me.  Get to work, My children. 

The gospel means good news.  I am The Best News anyone has ever conceived.  Let the spark of eternal life ignite in your inner most beings, and proclaim the good news to all the Earth with what resources I have already given you, and you will receive additional resources to expand your outreaches, because I empower people that want to do My will and spread the knowledge of My will more so than they want to do anything else in the world for themselves. 

Love is contagious, My children.  Let My love catch on fire within you and melt you within My arms so succinctly that you can truly say that there is surely no good thing in me except Christ, my Lord and Savior.  It is enough.


Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2018   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Thursday, February 22, 2018

JESUS LETTERS Communicate, Amen, Do Not Blame Your Churches, Laziness, Jesus, Your Lord, Or So You Say

"Autumn Waters" detail by Greer

“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children. 

"Autumn Waters" signature
Believe that I am in you to communicate with you.  You can speak to Me and I hear you and I can speak to you and you can hear Me.  Isn’t that awesome?  You should be saying, ‘Amen!’, but some of you doubt very much that it is possible for you to hear My still small voice inside of you, because you either have not paid attention to the scriptures of the Bible or you have been going to churches that have not taught you the full counsel of My word. 

Do not blame your churches for your own laziness, My children.  If they are teaching you to read or study the Bible, then they are doing fine work, because the main focus of any preacher or teacher is to motivate you to read and study the scriptures for yourselves, so that I can show you how I work through anyone that believes in Me.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord, or so you say”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2018   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at


JESUS LETTERS Pieces Of My Omniscience, Productive Lives, Bringing Fruit Into Existence, Eternal Rewards, Stop Rebelling, Intellects, The Keys To My Kingdom, Treasures

"Jesus Praying" by Greer 

“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children. 

Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day, and that I want to share My wisdom with you.  I want to give you pieces of My omniscience so that you will not have to guess about life on the Earth, but you will be able to lead productive lives, bringing fruit into existence, instead of just wasting time doing things that produce no eternal rewards.  If you do not learn to communicate with Me, then you will have no chance of fulfilling the things I created you to do in the Earth. 

"Jesus Praying" detail by Greer
Please stop rebelling.  Stop trying to figure life out by your own intellects.  Your intellects are extremely limited to the knowledge you have acquired in the short amount of time you have lived on this planet.  Do not rely on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Me and I will give you the keys to My kingdom that unlock the doors to My treasures that are stored up for those that walk by faith.  It is enough.

Jesus, Lord of all that follow My advice”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2018   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

JESUS LETTERS Never Give Up Believing, Meditating On All My Promises, Stay Rooted And Grounded In Me, Word Of God Manifested In The Flesh, Free From Spiritual Poverty, Sit In Heavenly Places, Heirs To My Throne, Do Not Go Back To Eke Out An Existence

"Let's Stay" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Never give up believing that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day. 

"Let's Stay" detail by Greer
Never give up meditating on all of My promises, precept by precept and line upon line.  You will be transformed into My image if you continue in faith that My words are absolute truths.  My words will not fall to the ground.  I will not be defeated by anyone or anything.  You have the victory in Me.  Stay in Me.  Stay rooted and grounded in Me. 

I am the word of God manifested in the flesh to pay the price for your sins.  It is finished.  The price has been paid in full.  Believe that you are free from Spiritual poverty.  You are free to walk wholeheartedly in the Spirit. 

"Let's Stay" signaure
My sacrifice was enough to elevate you to sit in heavenly places with Me.  You are heirs to My throne; now act accordingly.  Be brave.  Be strong.  Do not cower.  Do not go back to your reasonings and imaginations to eke out an existence on this Earth as if there is nothing coming after you leave this Earth.  My promises are good throughout all eternity and I am incorruptible, so I will always be around to back up what I have said with power to do all that I witnessed to you from My Father when I walked the Earth in My Own flesh.  It is enough. 

Jesus, your Lord God, the One that is more than enough to meet all your needs”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2018   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

JESUS LETTERS Listen Intently, Do Not Continually Talk, Calm Yourselves, Get Real With Me, My Will Governs All Of Heaven 100% Of The Time, The Scriptures Lead To Me, I Have The Power To Protect You, Onslaughts, Satan, Rebellion

"Heaven On Earth" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Listen intently.  Listen until I speak to you from within where I dwell since you invited Me into your hearts. 

"Heaven On Earth"
 detail by Greer

Do not continually talk to Me in prayer.  I know your thoughts, even before you think them.  I am omniscient . . . remember?  Do not try to tell Me what you want to do with your lives.  You do not know what I created you to do unless you listen to Me in prayer and receive My grace, so that you can learn to calm yourselves down and get real with Me.  Most Christians are not real with Me. 

What do I mean about getting real with Me?  I’ll tell you:  Until you are seeking My face to know My will and what My will is for you individually, you are not being real with Me.  My will governs all of heaven.  No act takes place in heaven outside of My will.  Why should I help you do your wills on Earth, when the goal is to bring My children to heaven where My will is always done 100% of the time? 

Let us together extol the name of Jesus
Get real, My children.  Get Me.  Get My will by studying the scriptures of the Bible like you have never even considered studying them before.  Study My scriptures as if your lives depend on them.  You will soon discover that your lives do depend on them, because the scriptures lead you to Me, and I have the power to protect you in the earth from all the onslaughts that Satan would try to destroy you with by your rebellion to My commands.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2018   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Sunday, February 18, 2018

JESUS LETTERS Move In The Spirit And Rejoice, Empowered

"Color Me Gone" detail by Greer
“Pen write”

     "Color Me Gone" by Greer 

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day, and that I long to communicate with you, so that you will be able to move in the Spirit and rejoice that you are being empowered by Me to do My will, and that you are not simply acting out your own ideas in your own strengths.  It is enough.

Jesus, Lord of all that hearken to My teachings, whether written down in the scriptures of the Bible or spoken directly to your hearts through My indwelling Spirit”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2018   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Saturday, February 17, 2018

JESUS LETTERS Peace, Worrying About Death, Nothing Worth Worrying About, Rejoice, No One Will Snatch You Out Of My Hands

"Clouds Be Gone" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children. 

Glorify the name of JESUS
Let us together extol His name
Believe that I want to comfort you and give you My peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding.  In order for you to accept My peace, you must accept the fact that eternal life is already yours.  You cannot have true peace when you’re worrying about death, but when you know that you know that you have eternal life through faith in Me, then you can accept the fact that there is nothing worth worrying about and you can rejoice that you and your friends and relatives are saved by My grace and no one will snatch you out of My hands.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord and Teacher”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2018   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Thursday, February 15, 2018

JESUS LETTERS Listen Please, My Friends, Bothered With People Aggravating You, Not Treating You Fairly, I Have Treated You Fairly, I Have Loved You Thoroughly, Victory

"Foot Of The Cross" detail by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please, My friends.  Don’t be bothered with people that are aggravating you because they are not treating you fairly.  I have treated you fairly.  I have loved you thoroughly.  I have given you all things that pertain to life and Godliness. Savor all that I have taught you in the scriptures. 

"Foot Of The Cross" detail by Greer
Be doers of the word and you will enjoy life, even in this dark planet called Earth.  You will enjoy watching life unfold, because I will be leading you down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake and the rewards that you know are coming will help you progress without becoming weary in the good things that I have sent you to do with Me and for Me. 

Believe that I love you and you are My ambassadors of love.  Believe that you already have the victory.  It is yours, now!  I am your Victory!  I am eternal life!  It is enough.

Jesus, Lord of all who obey Me”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2018   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

JESUS LETTERS Do Not Worry, Minds Thinking Negatively, Circumstances, People You Interact With, Opportunity For Satan To Aggravate You, Depressed, Eliminate Strife, Contention, Remain In Love With Me, My Joy, Peace, Shalom

"Mend Me" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Do not worry and do not fret.  It only causes harm. 

"Mend Me" detail by Greer
Do not allow your minds to be distracted from My purposes for creating you.  Anytime your minds start thinking negatively, about your circumstances and the people you interact with on daily bases, is an opportunity for Satan to aggravate you and cause you to become depressed.  Do not allow your minds to wander away from thoughts of love, and peaceful solutions will come to you to help eliminate strife and contention. 

But even if those that surround you never repent of their evil ways, you can remain in love with Me and I will share My joy and My peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding, with you.  Shalom.

Jesus, your Lord and Comforter”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2018   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at