Thursday, October 18, 2018

JESUS LETTERS Snap Out Of It, Do Not Let Your Imaginations Control You, Your Imaginations Do Not Have My Blessings Attached To Them, My Words To You Deliver My Blessing

"Old Trees Young Dog" watercolor by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Do not worry; do not fret; it only causes harm. 

Be brave.  Be courageous.  Do not allow your minds to travel down paths that depress you.  Snap out of it!  Do not let your imaginations control you.  You are not going to enter into My perfect will being accomplished through you in your life-times on Earth through your imaginations.  Your imaginations do not have My blessings attached to them. 

Glorify the name JESUS with me
My words to you deliver My blessings as you seek My face to learn My will expressed to you through the words I speak to your spirit men, the Spirits of Christ in you.  The words I speak to your hearts will always line up with what has been recorded in the scriptures of the Bible, My children.  Read the Bible so you will recognize My love that I speak to you from within you, where I dwell since you invited Me to come into your hearts and change you into the children of God that I promised I would change you into.  It is enough.


Jesus, your Lord/Master if you believe My words”

Be blessed . . . be love,

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