Wednesday, January 10, 2018

JESUS LETTERS No Longer Caught Up In Chasing After Other Things To Love Superficially, Set At My Feet, The Time It Takes To Feed You My Love, Expressed By The Words I Speak To Your Hearts, So That You Are No Longer Distracted From What You Are Called To Do

"Winter's Love" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice. Believe Me, My children.

"Winter's Love" crop
Believe that I am in you and that I want to communicate My love for you and to you, so that you are no longer caught up in chasing after other things to love superficially. You do not even know how to love compared to the way I love you. If you will set at My feet, the way My apostles and Mary sat at My feet, and allow Me the time it takes to feed you My love, which is expressed by the words I speak to your hearts, then you will slowly but surely be lifted up to My throne of grace and realize more and more that what takes place in the Spiritual realm is more real than what you see with your natural eyes on Earth.

Your circumstances that surround you have no bearing on your mood when you are focused on eternal things. Eternal things are Spiritual things. I am interested in teaching you Spiritual things, so that you are no longer distracted from what you are called to do in the Earth while you are here for short lengths of time. It is enough.

Jesus, your Master/Lord”
Be blessed . . . be love,

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