Sunday, May 26, 2019

JESUS LETTERS Address My Concerns, Address My Advice, Do Not Bury What I Speak To Your Hearts In The Sand, Do Not Slough My Words To You Off, As If I Am A Senile Old Man, You Know Who I Am, Think On These Questions:

"You Can't Hide" watercolor by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children. 

Glorify the name of JESUS with me
Let us together extol His name
Address My concerns, My children.  Address My advice.  Do not bury what I speak to your hearts in the sand.  Do not slough My words to you off, as if I am a senile old man that doesn’t know what he is talking about half the time. 

You know Who I am, My people.  You know, from the scriptures in the Bible, what I have done, what I have said and what I will do in the future through anyone that believes in Me wholeheartedly. 

"You Can't Hide" signature
Why do you turn your backs on Me, My children?  Why do you not follow through with what I have asked you to do?  Why does taking up your crosses and following after Me seem so dreadful to you, My children?  Are your lives so precious to you that you cannot look past the noses on your own faces?  Why have you made your lives all about you and your loved ones?  Why does going into all the nations seem so far-fetched to you now, even though I have provided the technology to do so? 

Think on these questions, My children.  Ponder them.  Why do you not want to ponder them?  It is enough.


Jesus, your Lord and Chastiser”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
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