Sunday, May 26, 2019

JESUS LETTERS Take Advantage Of These Facts, Being Involved In Things That The Lord Has Not Instructed You To Be Involved With, Kingdom Principles

"The Highest" watercolor by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  Take advantage of these facts, My children.
"The Highest"
detail by Greer
Be doers of My word and not just hearers.  Take all My words to heart; act on them as if your lives depend on My words.  The facts are, that your lives do depend on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God and you need to pay strict attention to His counsel, so that your lives are not destroyed by being involved in things that the Lord your God has not instructed you to be involved with.  It is enough.


Jesus, your King, if you submit to My kingdom principles”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
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