Monday, May 6, 2019

JESUS LETTERS The Reason You Are Worrying, Abraham, Trusted Me Implicitly, Confidence In My Abilities, Intentions, Delighted, Depressed, Bored, Confused, Plateaus Of Consciousness, Peace, Reside In Me, Your Vine, Bear Fruit

"Follow Me" watercolor by Greer

“Pen write”

“Listen, again, please. Do not worry; do not fret; it only causes harm. 

"Follow Me" detail by Greer
The reason you are worrying, My children, is because you have not yet learned to trust Me wholeheartedly.  Abraham went through much worrying before he finally trusted Me implicitly.  When you have experienced enough miracles, having taken place in your lives, by following through with My instructions, then you will gain confidence in My abilities to speak to your hearts and do what I have spoken to your hearts through your faith in My words to you. 

Believe Me, My children; it will do you no good to doubt Me.  It will do you no good to think that you know what you want to do in life, not even if you have intentions of serving Me in one fashion or another.  Your thoughts are not My thoughts and your ways are not My ways, My children.  Surely you remember that scripture, My children? 

Do not rebel at My commands and you will begin experiencing more miracles on regular bases and you will be delighted in your walks of faith, instead of depressed and bored and confused as to why nothing seems to ever go right for you, My children.
JESUS in the wave
You are My children.  I encourage you to listen better, so that I can teach you more of My ways, and you will then arrive at plateaus of consciousness, where the peace of God will envelop you, and you will no longer be anxious about everything that is going on in your lives, so; therefore, you will be able to reside in Me, your Vine, and receive the nourishment that will supply all you need to bear fruit to the kingdom of God.  It is enough.


Jesus, the One Who knows all about you from beginning to end”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2019   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

JESUS LETTERS Worried, You Are Not Trusting My Words To You, You Pick And Choose Which Words Sound Pleasurable, Conclusions Based On Limited Knowledge, Omniscient, Why You Forget, My Ways

"Bury Me Here" watercolor by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken, again, to My still small voice, My children.

"Bury Me Here" detail
You are worried about many things, My children.  For the most part, you are not trusting My words to you, either written in the Bible scriptures or the words I speak to your hearts.  You pick and choose which words sound pleasurable to you, but you do not agree to do what I ask when you think you know better than I as to how to run your lives.

"Bury Me Here" signature
Be strong in the Lord, your God, My children.  Do not be strong in the imaginations of your hearts.  Your hearts are full of ideas that you draw up to meditate on and you arrive at conclusions based upon your limited knowledge of what surrounds you in the world, but I am omniscient and you constantly forget that I am omniscient, not to mention omnipotent.  

Why do you forget so often, My children? . . . it is because you have not yet concluded that My will is better than your wills.  It is enough.


Jesus, your Comforter and Friend, when you allow Me to teach you My ways, which are higher than your ways”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2019   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

JESUS LETTERS Rely On My Omniscience, Do Not Take Back The Reigns, Feel Good, My Purposes, Plans, Pursuits, What Is Beyond Earth, Free Of Your Flesh, Immensely Blessed, The Glory Of God Manifested

"Blue Horizon" watercolor by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Do not worry; do not fret; it only causes harm.  Rely on My omniscience.  Rely on Me to give you what you need to know and do.
Glorify the Lord with me
Let us together extol His name
Do not keep taking back the reigns from Me.  Allow Me to guide you.  I know where I want to go and what I want to do through your obediences to My instructions, My children.  You do not have to think and conjure up things to do that will make you feel good about your walk with Me.  I know what will make you feel good.  I created you to fulfill My purposes, plans and pursuits in the Earth and beyond.
Do you know what is beyond living on Earth, My children?  Of course you do not.  You have little concept of heaven and what it will be like to be free of your flesh that constantly tries to pull you away from My eternal purposes; but when you listen to Me, instead of your thoughts, I am able to lead you to fulfill My plans and you will be immensely blessed the more you obey My instructions. 

"Beyond The Sea" watercolor by Greer
Do not go on in unbelief.  Stop doubting that I am in you and have the power to supply all that you need in this life on Earth and beyond.  Believe only, and the glory of God will be manifested all around you and you will gain confidence in My abilities, and you will lose confidence in yourselves.  It is enough.


Jesus, your Lord/Master, if you agree with Me”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2019   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at